Virtual Reiki Mastership $99/mo for 12 months


Reiki Mastership starts the moment you enroll. It is indescribable what happens when you commit to yourself in this way. Having trained over a hundred Reiki Masters, it has hugely opened me up to so much love and growth. I participate in each month’s assignments with you to continue to develop as a high integrity healer.


I am starting a new Reiki Mastership Program  for students who are ready to step further into their healing abilities and become a Reiki Master.  The presence that we carry from being a Reiki Master is one that helps people heal simply by being in our strong auric field.  I am grateful to have been teaching this program since 2007.  I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of and supporting each student's progress.

Whether you want to teach Reiki or wish to receive the powerful upgrade in your Reiki channel, this program is well worth the time and investment. It has improved my inner and outer life in so many ways and continues to do so.  I look forward to sharing this year with you.

I have attached the requirements of the program and specific dates that we will meet once each month for a year.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.  Space is limited to 10 students.   Please register to save your space.

Where: My private zoom classroom.

$99.99/month for 12 months

Pre-requisites: Reiki I & II In this training, you will: Delve deeply into the world of Reiki starting with the Five Reiki Principles, transforming your relationship to each. Receive profound healing and personal growth, further develop your intuitive abilities with continuing conversation and practice of Reiki. Strengthen your energy and learn how to clear and protect it. Learn the Reiki Master crystal grid and other advanced Reiki techniques and symbols.  Learn how to give attunements to yourself and others. Be attuned to all of the Reiki Mastership symbols. Become eligible to teach and join the Reiki Masters Community Membership upon successful completion of the training. Class is once a month for an hour for 12 months.

Reiki Mastership Requirements

  • Attend each class virtually
  • Daily Self Reiki practice
  • Trade once or more per month with someone- distance
  • Be of service once a month virtually
  • Complete the assignments and email on time
  • Be gentle with yourself and others


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