Want Your Radiance Back?

I have a friend who always reminds herself of this, “When my happiness is determined by what others do, I have a problem.” This was huge for me when healing from a break up. When we spend most of our time caring for and focusing our attention outward, we...

6 Steps for Going Inward

With all that’s been going on in the world, you may have gotten a little nudge to go inward. I’m going to share my process and steps with you if you’ve been wanting to do this work of the Spiritual Warrior. When I moved back to California in April, I knew I needed to...

What Old Ways Are No Longer Working?

Have you ever felt like you just can’t get romantic relationships right? You find yourself in situations where you pick a partner that seems like the perfect partner on paper, but once you get into the relationship, you discover they aren’t as present or authentic as...

Song Lyrics in Dreams

Right now we have several planets that have gone retrograde so it’s beneficial to reflect and review, especially with the time we’ve been given right now during quarantine. I’m reviewing everything, especially love. I heard a song this morning upon waking. It was from...

Healing from a Breakup

It seems that endings of relationships are everywhere I turn right now, including my own. This client was having trouble getting in touch with her emotions and expressed a feeling of numbness. I had a dream where a woman was standing on a dock and her boyfriend was...